People who work in the video production field are well aware of the fact that a film production house in Delhi operates quite differently than Mumbai’s counterpart. While work in Mumbai is spread across different genres and there’s a specialist for each task, work in Delhi shatters the glass of pre-defined job roles. While things are rapidly transforming in Delhi for good, there’s still a huge gap in the scope of work between the two cities. It is important to understand that we are not saying that every production house in Delhi works in such a way, we are just implying that most of the production houses survive by utilizing the same resources for different kinds of roles.
However, there are still several production houses like Movee Merchant, which work by the rule and hire or have specialist individuals for each job before, during, and after the shoot, i.e. pre-production, production, and post-production. Movee Merchant is a film production house in Delhi NCR that offers a variety of video production services in Delhi and other parts of the country. So, the main question remains how a film production company in Delhi operates?

- Sales and Marketing: In the beginning, most of the production houses rely on contacts and word-of-mouth marketing. But since it’s the digital age, online presence also matters a lot. Finding projects, tenders and applying for them is the job of the marketing and sales department. This department also looks after the position of the company in the market. So, in short, as its name suggests, this department is responsible for sales and marketing happening in the film production house in Delhi.
- Administration: From accounts to other administrative and technical support, along with talent acquisition and logistics are overseen by the administration department. Attendance, salary, bonuses, payments, invoices, equipment, travel, etc. are handled by this branch of the film production house.
- Directors: How will you make a film without a director? You don’t. A whole team of Directors, Assistant Directors, and interns are part of the directorial team. This team is responsible for ensuring that the discussed ideas and vision are transformed into accurate video content. This is done with the help of a script and screenplay.
- Producers: The most diverse role is of a producer in a video production company. Producers have to make sure everything is going as per the plan and the shoots and edits can be carried out without any interruption. There are also creative and post-producers who closely work together with the director and its team.
- Researchers and writers: Understanding the requirement and the motive behind the video and then presenting the same in written form is the responsibility of this department.
- Cameras and lights: This department is mostly hired on a project to project basis along with the equipment and lights. However, some production houses also have an in-house team for cameras and lights.
- Editors: In a film production house in Delhi, or even anywhere else for that matter, the editor has the responsibility of cutting and joining different footage and graphics to ensure the message and the treatment of the video are crystal clear.
- Graphic artists and Animators: A film production house in Delhi cannot work without its graphic artists and animators. They create different elements for the video or make animated videos for clients.
- Helping Staff: Never underestimate the role of supporting staff before, during, and after the shoot.